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Saturday, February 2, 2008


I'm suffering.... bad.

There's just so much fun stuff to do and think about, I'm getting consistently about 4 hours a night. I need someone to knock some sense into me before I burn out.


Anonymous said...

Sweetie, I am right here with you. I want to sleep, need to sleep, and have to sleep sooner or later. I've had insomnia for years and I don't typically tell people ....but...if I didn't take something to get to sleep...I would stay up for days at a time. My kids wear me out but I wait and look forward to the time when they are asleep so that I can have some "me" time. It's after 12:am my time and my two year old is up because I am. I feel really bad that she is adapting my bad habits and hope we will get back on track soon.

Anonymous said...

In case you don't recognize the name, it's just me ...Julie
I couldn't remember my password so I just simplified by using my aol address.