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Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Love on Wall Street

How much should a person invest into "falling in love"? Should it be weeks, months or years? Once you are there, should you wait for the other person to catch up or bail before they decide to sit the race out? Say you are the type that needs a more aggressive investment. You want intensity, desire, friendship. You want the whole package. You need that passion to bond with a lover for life and the risk is worth the large payout. But you make a bad trade that has your hands tied. Your reckless day-trade of throwing love around made you wind up falling for someone who needs a slow, marinating investment in order to consider keeping it for the long term. Should you compromise your needs (that you know are the things that will keep this relationship lasting for you) and take the chance that it may be ok skipping the reciprocal passion to let your partner marinate? Or should he/she try to step it up to try to make his/her partner satisfied? My question today is strictly philosophical: If two people are generally comaptible, but not on the same page, can they ever get to retirement? Should we keep the portfolio we ended up with or should instinct forsee the as a red flag to failure? Fight or flight? Wait it out or leave before you've wasted years? I personally have no idea. I haven't yet gotten it right.


Anonymous said...

well, i dont know you, but it seems like we have a lot in common... i was just in the situation u described and i ended it cuz my needs were not being met and he wasnt willing to go any faster... i feel bad cuz i still love him, but i cant be in a relationship that isnt goin anywhere fast enough... i dunno..... anyways, i love the poem... sorry for the
Posted by im naked before you on May 2, 2006 - Tuesday at 9:42 PM

to me, the romance and passion that you can ONLY get in the beginning is like the foundation of a house. It HAS to be there for the home to stand the test of time..
Posted by nichole leigh :: photographer on May 2, 2006 - Tuesday at 9:55 PM

(quotes the Tom Petty song I deleted out of the post): You never needed me
You only wanted me around
It gets me down

I always liked that part of the song most ...

I say, only you will know when its time to give up. And even then, you may change your mind. Take it slow. Weigh all the pros and cons of your decision. Think of what advice you would give your daughter in a similar situation. Sometimes when I think outside of myself like that, the situation seems much more clear.
Posted by Cocoalove (Flexwriter) on May 2, 2006 - Tuesday at 9:43 PM

As usual, your insight is beautiful!
Posted by nichole leigh :: photographer on May 2, 2006 - Tuesday at 9:56 PM

If there is anything worth fighting for it would be love. Years is excessive. People are fortunate if they find it once. When you always have to be "hard" it is weird to think that something can be easy
Posted by Melanie on May 2, 2006 - Tuesday at 9:47 PM

there it is, the other side of the coin! Waiting for love is ok, but what if what the one you're waiting on doesn't ever love? Risky investment? Or maybe the cost of doing business? What to do....
Posted by nichole leigh :: photographer on May 2, 2006 - Tuesday at 9:59 PM

Nichole, in my opinion, there is no tried and true answer. But, I know this. Life is too short to compromise. There is someone out there who can treat you like the queen that you are. It's just a matter of patience and diligence, and an open mind to recognize them. Don't get caught up in one single person, just because it feels good for the moment. The right decision is almost always the hardest thing.
Posted by LakerBunny on May 3, 2006 - Wednesday at 12:02 AM

Anonymous said...

Here's the song:

Well I fought for you
I fought too hard
To do it all again babe,
Its gone to far
You never needed me
You only wanted me around
It gets me down

There's been a change,
Yeah there's been a change of heart
Said there's been a change
You push just a little too far
Made it just a little to hard
There's been a change of heart

I'll get over you
It won't take long
I've stood in your gallery
Seen what's hangin' from the wall

You were the moon and sun,
You're just a loaded gun now
It gets me down

There's been a change,
Yeah there's been a change of heart
Said there's been a change
You push just a little too far
You make it just a little to hard
There's been a change of heart

Whoa yeah, oh boy
Looks like we finally reachedthe turning point
Oh me, oh my
Looks like its time for me to kiss it good-bye,
Yeah kiss it good-bye

There's been a change,
yeah there's been a ch ange of heart
Said there's been a change
You push just a little too far
You make it just a little to hard
There's been a change of heart

"Change of Heart" Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers