My head was in those clouds again
I should have paid attention
cuz sometimes I slip and fall in love
Skin my knees and get myself a dizzy head
Hope only silence saw, brush off and keep moving straight ahead
I crossed that line in a lifetime's instant
Set a fury of passion free when I gave consent
And love's stains marked my heart
like initials carved in the skins of that proud tree
We'll make love beneath a lazy shade
And maybe this time we can set Eden free
Love happened to me again
I don't know how or when
No use in hiding this time
I'm gone and already on the ride
Betcha they won't notice cuz my love is not the usual brand
I take my time and stitch it by hand
And I can't seem to put a label on it.
I remember the day you crashed into my life
On the run from some old fight
We didn't care what was waiting at home that night
Intoxicating me with grace and freedom
Turns my blind eye to what you were running from,
You only knew my solace would be your bride
Love fog opaque hiding what's inside
This city takes it's breath from love's long sweet exhale
Bodies lost in pied piper song
But we both know we gotta move to keep this thing strong
So we'll run together like shots ahead of the chase
Today's high is so good, can't see withdrawl's pain
And morning's love hangover don't matter tonight
Can't remember how it took me almost all day to get right
Maybe next time but I can't leave you today
With only an agnostic prayer for the strength to turn away
I've already paid the price
In my heart I knew I was lost from the very first bite
And Eden will be our orchard every night
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Skinned My knee
Posted by
4:07 AM
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Quantum Love Girl 2
I love the fire you ignite inside my body and mind
Stealing free rides on passion's high
You are an addiction beyond white lines, green firewood, an' Skyy-Blu bottles
I've never been so alive
But baby, I know each night with you
Pushes me over the line
I can't leave but you dose me to the edge of life
I'm flying on faith
Cuz they always told me if it's too good, it can't be right.
If this is a path to destruction, heaven must be one hell of a ride
I've turned to quantum life, a shift of paradigm
Makes me feel so good to just be confused and ride the tide
Tired of forcing society's blueprint to overide the ocean in my mind
Confusion only comes from making right feel wrong
You've made this thing so damn simple
And their's is all contrived
If passion has to hide,
Words like "volatile" become my crime,
I'll be Schrödinger's cat that they'll never find
And our fire can feed even water's life
Posted by
11:52 PM