oooh, men. I love them so.
ladies... u can add 2 the list too loves...
1. one with a voice like Chamillionaire, soft, not too deep with that bass that comes thru every now & then. I like them articulate and even better, a man that pauses to make sure he says it right. A sure way to grab my attention
2. Hip and put-together... but not metro. He puts on lotion after he gets out of the shower so he's nice and smoothe for me later that night
3. a fiery sense of humor. keeps me laughing, entertain my friends, witty bantor back & forth on txt or after a session between the sheets
4. clean cut :: no shaggy / no scooby...
5. that natural smell of a man. the one that stays on his sheets. when i bury my face in them i have to hold my breath so I don't loose it
6. i love his thighs the way he loves the curve of my back.
7. uses terms of endearment like baby, honey, lover, kid, boo...
8. taller than me so i feel like i'm wrapped up in him, but not too tall cuz we have to be able to fit in a bubble bath together
9. confident stride but always soft when he's holding me
10. has a body he takes care of, sexy and athletic
11. compliments my hair or dress in public, but in my ear he whispers "i like the matching set baby, did u go to vicky's for me?"
12. does what he does best just for me, like musicians that play my favorite jazz cut for me over the phone... "baby could you hear that? did u like that?" or a fixit guy that shows me how to fix the surround sound that wasn't done right.
13. men that cook anything from top chef to mean greens . I don't mind if Ramen is his only dish, just as long as he pulled it off just for me
14. a man that dances. dances like he's got something he's gonna show me later
15. doesn't get jealous when i say i love manolo blahnik
16. men that can make out, eat out, and turn out
17. when i see him on the street, he comes up to me, says my name, touches the ends of my hair and kisses me in front of my friends...
18. passionate about politics, mentoring, and intelligence because men are strong when they are soft. But never without an open mind.
19. respects women because his momma raised him right.
20. hands that don't let me take control.
21. Knows that I'm a real woman with a little girl side from time to time
22. loves my body even though it's not just like Pamela's or Miss December's
23. starts the foreplay as soon as the appetizers come
24. men with nice breath even after drinking scotch
25. men that can kiss, suck and bite on my neck without leaving a trace
26. nice ass with jeans that sit just above the curve showing an inch or two of those boxers, always with a belt. pressed is even better...
27. One that can get by in any setting and never whines or sulks
28. He can talk dirty to me in all the right ways
i love it... i'm adding two more...
29. can give me a look from across the room, a sexual look, letting me know it's going to be on when we get home... or even in the car...
30. men that make sure they walk on the curb side of the sidewalk; always a turn on for me to know that he's a gentleman
Posted by Love is not an Action...It's an Ability on July 2, 2007 - Monday at 6:55 PM
horny old women ;P
Posted by *JoE sez: stop savin my pics to your harddrive ;P on July 2, 2007 - Monday at 7:17 PM
OH, you love it and you know it!
Read it like a manual baby, and you'll make any you! ;)
Posted by Claire on July 3, 2007 - Tuesday at 12:27 PM
Trust me already one of my specialties ;P
Posted by *JoE sez: stop savin my pics to your harddrive ;P on July 4, 2007 - Wednesday at 2:40 PM
what? and horny ol me!! what are YOU talkin bout?>??????
Posted by nichole leigh :: photographer on July 2, 2007 - Monday at 10:19 PM
Ohhh don't get me started ...
30. Texts me so sensual all day long that I can't wait to be all over him when I get in.
31. Comes up behind me and whispers in my ear when I least expect it.
32. Cleans up soo well ...
33. Finishes off my lyrics ...
34. Knows how I like my coffee in the morning.
Posted by Cocoalove (Flexwriter) on July 2, 2007 - Monday at 11:42 PM
How who makes you feel like you're Number 1, anticipate your needs, like you're the queen, so you make him your king....
Another great blog.
Posted by Bunny on July 3, 2007 - Tuesday at 12:27 AM
oh yes, that you know that should have been my #1 on the list!
Posted by nichole leigh :: photographer on July 3, 2007 - Tuesday at 3:24 AM
Haha! Here's one... A man thats misleading... In a GOOD way. You meet him and he comes off as a sweet heart, a saint, couldn't hurt a fly... And he is all of that.... Until he gets in you bed and gives it to you in a way that haunts you.
a way that when you are focused at work, at your desk; you get a flash back that sends shivers up and down and you can't help but go BRRRRR.. mmm hmm!
Intense an gentle at the same time.... Mentally, spiritually, oh and physically.
Posted by Tanyeezy on July 4, 2007 - Wednesday at 7:44 PM
Gotta be secure. Doesn't give afuck about what THEY think about him. THEY being those unfortunate to never understand a real understanding. Ladies, if and when you find a man that you can say what you feel to him whether alone or around his peoples, a man that you can stand in front of in any angle butt naked with all the lights on despite YOUR insecurities and know by the way he looks at you that he KNOWS not thinks you are beautiful, a man that fantazises about you after he's had you countless times..... I'm just sayin...
Posted by Tanyeezy on July 4, 2007 - Wednesday at 8:29 PM
OOOhhh, LADIES feel me on this...a man that's man enough to cry with ya and STILL be HOOD enough to step up to any man and say "SHE'S WIT ME PLAYA, SO STEP BACK HOMIE!"
A man that fit's the curve of your frame so well, it scares you, as if the two of you are Adam and Eve reincarnated!
A man that knows that if he touches you there that half his job is done and it's only matter of saying when..."WHEN BABY!!!"
Posted by MeAnge on July 4, 2007 - Wednesday at 7:57 PM
Monday, July 2, 2007
Men.... oh I looooove MEN!
Posted by
6:52 PM
Labels: Men
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