How do you define love? (Romantic love, I mean)
My current, but always ever-changing definition is this:
Love to me is caring deeply, intimacy/attraction, friendship, comfort with the person, trust, and bonding through common interests. The willingness to weather the storm, and pick up the pieces and rebuild when it subsides
Let me know your 2 cents!
I agree with your list, but add respect!
Posted by Ms. Karen on January 20, 2007 - Saturday at 9:58 AM
yea i think its some stuff missing just that stuff alone doesnt seem to keep a lot of people around lol
Posted by *JoE sez: stop savin my pics to your harddrive ;P on January 20, 2007 - Saturday at 9:30 PM
so where's your addition?
Posted by nichole leigh :: photographer on January 20, 2007 - Saturday at 10:13 PM
my 2 cents to add would be you can't explain it fully EVER or you've never experienced it fully.
Posted by kiraannbaby© [janee] on January 20, 2007 - Saturday at 10:16 AM
Romantic love is fleeting ... I give up. Sorry hun.
Posted by Cocoalove (Flexwriter) on January 20, 2007 - Saturday at 11:02 PM
Quoting billy corgan I think it was who sang it.. "'s who you know"; of course lots of people probably have said it.. than there's also strapping young lads thought: the way I feel. that's kind of other peoples 2 cents that I agree with.. so to make it my 3 cents (cuz 3 is better than two) love is something that is most noteably recognized by putting each other through hell and than coming though that hell and having a stronger realtionship because of it...yep.
Posted by jAh~"who";;3k (Df)(Docd) on January 22, 2007 - Monday at 10:55 PM
Love (to me) has no description. There's no need to try to describe it, because it's a feeling. Feelings come in varying degrees. You can love something, but find disgust in it later, then find love with something else that is SO much stronger than your love for that first person. It's indescribable. However, I do have a very good description for true love. I heard it in either a movie or some television show, but still find it to be a very good description of 'true love', but not just 'love'. True Love: finding the counterpart of your soul in another person. 'Love' is used to describe your feelings on many things, not just people. 'True Love' is something completely different, as it is only used to describe your feelings for another person. Hope that helps a little....probably not, but that's just my take on this subject
Posted by Zack P. on January 24, 2007 - Wednesday at 4:14 PM
Saturday, January 20, 2007
What is this thing "LOVE" that you speak of?
Posted by
7:08 PM
Labels: Love
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Here: Deep Poetic
Not a glutton so I know when I don't need anymore
None of that.
I'm good, I got it all inside.
Creativity is the fire
Dose on that all night
With a fever of ninety-nine degrees on my wall
And oiled brushes staining canvas like lovers' sheets
Method is my style
Control cock blocks my flow
And I'm intent on getting what's mine
Hanging on is a means to an end
Activates self-destruction
Go-on. Turn a blind eye
Only thing I'm gonna leave is:
'Wondering why'
I know it hurts them
To see me in this state
Where chaos and order make love day and night
In Exodus they all excuse themselves
Cutting losses
Taking comfort in hindsight
There's paradox in tragedy
They bathe in blood sweat and tears cuz I'm
Succeeding in pushing every last one outta my life.
Take the left AND the right just leave without a fight.
Some of em try and stay.
Weathering sub-tropic storms
That surround my life
Rewarded pain as a prize when they come along for the ride
I paint Gilligan's Island for 'em
Start dolling out refunds in no time
Hanging on is a means to an end
Activates self-destruction
Go-on. Turn a blind eye
Only thing I leave you is
Wondering why
I know it hurts
To see me in this state
Where chaos and order make love day and night
So follow as
They all excuse themselves
Cutting losses
Taking comfort in hindsight
But you.
You are still here.
Long after the linseed and oil have dried
And I used all the ashes to texturize
Beauty from the fury that destroyed
Without subsitance to keep itself alive.
Here. Reading braille when I'm blind.
You let me struggle, fail and compliment my life
Making love in copulas that bind
Got me wanting to stick around
Maybe, this time
Posted by
10:46 PM
Labels: About Coco, Art, Break-ups, Erotica, Love, Men, Poetry, Sex